Brand wise Market Share & AOV of footwear brands on Amazon for July - September 2023!

Let’s dive into the vibrant world of India's footwear market, where almost all big brands are competing for the spotlight. It's a growing industry in India that has seen remarkable growth. Thanks to Indian consumers supporting both local and global brands to satisfy their unique tastes and requirements. These footwear brands have embarked on an exciting journey, and we're here to shower some insights on sales performance of these footwear brands in India. Let’s have a look at a glimpse of footwear brands market share, Average Order Value (AOV), and sales performance online.

Market Share of footwear brands on Amazon!

The world of e-commerce is a dynamic landscape where trends and market shares are constantly shifting. Vumonic Datalabs recently conducted a comprehensive analysis of Amazon's shoe sales from July to September 2023, providing intriguing insights into the performance of various footwear brands. Notably, Puma has emerged as the dominant force in the market, commanding an impressive market share of approximately 7% for July-September 2023. Meanwhile, Red Tape has made significant strides, solidifying its position with a substantial market share of nearly 6%. This places Red Tape ahead of industry giants such as Nike (5%) and Adidas (5%), underscoring the brand's remarkable growth.

Red Tape's sales were 1.5 times higher than Campus and 1.8 times higher than Bata. The battle for market supremacy between Campus and Bata was fierce, with Campus edging ahead by a significant margin. Campus reported sales that were 1.2 times higher than Bata. 

AOV & Consumer insights of footwear industry!

Among the top-performing brands, RedTape had an average order value at approximately 1100 INR, signalling a strong inclination towards premium products. Campus followed closely with an AOV of 800 INR, indicating a balance between quality and affordability. Sparx and Bata, with AOVs of 680 INR and 720 INR respectively, catered to budget-conscious shoppers. Brands like Adidas, Puma, and Nike provided discounts ranging from 120 to 200 INR, on the other hand, RedTape, Sparx, Campus, and Bata offered discounts in the range of 40 to 70 INR. 

The July-September 2023 Amazon shoe sales data illuminates a vibrant and dynamic footwear market. Puma's commanding presence, Red Tape's impressive surge, offer a captivating narrative of brand success and consumer preference.

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