A Comparative Analysis of Flipkart’s Big Billion Days success in 2023!

The much-awaited Flipkart's Big Billion Days Sale is an annual extravaganza for shoppers across India. In this blog, we dive into a detailed comparative analysis of the sales events in 2022 and 2023, shedding light on key metrics such as discounts, average order value, and overall sales performance.

Average Discounts 2022 vs. 2023 in Flipkart’s Big Billion Days!

One of the most significant factors that influence consumer behaviour during sales events is the level of discounts offered. Vumonic Datalabs examined the data from both years, revealing a remarkable trend. In 2023, the average discount was 1.3 times higher compared to 2022. 

Average Order Value: A Glimpse into shopper behaviour in Big Billion Sale days

Understanding consumer spending patterns is essential for retailers to tailor their strategies effectively. In 2022, the average order value stood at 2300 INR. Fast forward to 2023, and we witnessed a notable increase, with the average order value soaring to around 2800 INR. This surge indicates an inclination towards higher-value purchases.

Flipkart’s Sales Performance: Growth Trajectory Continues

Building on the success of the previous year, Flipkart's Big Billion Days Sale in 2023 demonstrated a remarkable 20% increase in overall sales. This substantial growth is a testament to the effectiveness of Flipkart's marketing strategies, customer engagement initiatives, and the irresistible offers provided during the sale.

Below is Flipkart's sales Growth & AOV comparison between year 2022 and 2023:

Flipkart's year on year sale growth & AOV


Flipkart's Big Billion Days Sale has once again proven to be a resounding success, with 2023 outshining the already impressive performance of 2022. This remarkable achievement is a testament to Flipkart's strategic prowess and unyielding dedication to customer satisfaction. As we look ahead, the trajectory of Flipkart's Big Billion Days Sale seems bound for even greater heights.

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